Services & Programs


All creative endeavors are born out of a space of stillness, beyond the mind. Become conscious without thought, to use your mind creatively. You will use the body and breath as a doorway into a state of inner peace and stillness. You will stop thinking by focusing your attention on the inner energy field that arises out of stillness. When that happens, a shift from being in your head to being present in your body occurs. It is a journey to the center of our being, the inner source, life energy, the creative force. Free yourself from your analytical mind, your past and future, and shift your attention to the present, the now, your life energy – where creativity, joy, beauty and love arise from. This is the source of creativity – the feminine power holding the seeds of artistic expression ready to be born. Listen and receive from deep within. Think and create from your whole body.


• LIVE ART: Body + Art = Healing

Nurture and explore your body as art. You will learn: yoga plus, shiatsu and meditation to give vision to your inner persona. Free your creativity and create your visions into hair sculpture / body art that parades your identity and empowers you. A ritual of transformation, this universal art form connects many cultures, from aboriginal hair creations to Marie Antoinette’s wig replica of Benjamin Franklin’s ship. Integrate natural, manufactured and found objects into the hair, which is molded and built up with clay slip, and then painted. It is a dynamic interchange between artist and model.


• Find Your Creative Inner Self

Participants learn techniques to release creative blocks and enhance health and well-being. This workshop blends fitness (yoga plus, self massage and meditation) with creative expression such as painting or dance to release stress, relax and rejuvenate. It unleashes creative energy so that participants create one-of-a-kind works of art. They free their body, spirit and artistic expression by engaging in mindful self-journey. They leave with an increased self-awareness and a sense of well-being and peace. As we open ourselves to the transforming experience of the power of presence, a true inner sense of self is touched and expressed in the artwork created. This program is available for children 6 and up, adults and seniors.


SHIATSU SHIN TAI: Life Force Recovery Massage Therapy - Treatments and Workshops

Shiatsu releases old stress patterns and recovers life force energy. It allows you to live more fully in the the present. Shiatsu has universal appeal, producing results which range from life saving to a heightened sense of well being in body, mind and spirit. Shaitsu benefits:

• Everyday aches and pains brought on by stress / stress reduction

• Reduce fatigue

• Builds the immune system

• Chronic disorders including respiratory, digestive, cronic fatique syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis

• Handicapped

• Hospice patients

• Autism

• Attention-Deficit Disorder

• For Treatments- Please contact us at 610-683-7151 to set up an appointment. More about Shiatsu Shin Tai



- 1 Hour Program - Call 610-683-7151 to schedule.

Shiatsu massage, as practiced today, evolved from an ancient Oriental healing art. Shiatsu stimulates and harmonizes the flow of energy in the body; it can restore a state of physical, emotional and mental well being. Learn the secrets of this unique massage treatment that may help strengthen digestion and elimination systems, as well as respiratory, circulatory, hormone, immune and nervous systems.



For students, bodyworkers, artists, health practitioners, friends, families, and health enthusiasts of all ages.
Help Others While Enhancing Your Own Creativity, Health and Well Being

In 13 hours, You Will Learn:

• Whole Body Protocol:
How to give and receive a basic and effective full body shiatsu treatment

• Why and How Touch is a Powerful Medium for Healing

•The Relaxation Response:
How to initiate its powerful creative and health benefits through finger pressure and other shiatsu techniques

• Self-Healing:
The ancient self-massage--DO-IN

•The Basics of Body Diagnosis
Beginner Weekend: Sat. 10am-6pm and Sun. 10am-6pm ~ Ask about CEO Credits



Connect to your body. Yoga "Plus" will make you feel stronger, more agile and flexible. Fun, easy and creative. Release stress and rejuvenate. A synthesis of different types of fitness systems including Yoga, Dance, Do-In, Chi Kung, and also Western style. Yoga Plus addresses the five most important aspects of fitness and well being. This program is available for children 6 and up, adults and seniors.


1. Flexibility – Ease of movement makes it possible for a greater range of activities. It removes the fear of change and trying new things.

2. Agility – Precision movement that makes using the body a pleasant experience. Agility gives a sense of lightness to life.

3. Strength – Allows ease in work task and daily play. Strength has a positive effect on self-esteem.

4. Breathing – Proper oxygenation is essential for good working digestion and for efficient utilization of the food we eat. It helps maintain good quality blood and a healthy immune system. When a person breathes well, they are more positive, enthusiastic and less likely to get sick.

5. Natural Aerobic & Cardiovascular – Good circulation is essential for positive life dynamics. It allows us to start the things we want to do…and complete them well.

• Increase your energy level
• Reduce back pain
• Eliminate shoulder pain & stiffness
• Feel healthy emotionally
• Learn to improvise while you exercise

Part 1

The Basics: Energy Exercises
Learn postures and movements drawn from yoga, chi kung, do-in, modern dance and other systems. Become aware of the mind-body connection to enhance your body’s ability to open and move. Feel good, more aligned and lighter.

Part 2
Energy Dance / Creative Movement
Follow your body's internal signals as you learn to move from within. Create individualized yoga-style postures and movements that make your body feel good-more aligned and lighter. Unbounded self expression is exhilarating for the body, mind, heart and soul.

Part 3
Breathing and Stress Reduction: A Relaxation Meditation

Connect mind and body simply through breathing, to open inner reservoirs of strength and healing, visions and creativity. Learn and practice guided body-scan meditation to move toward deep mental and physical relaxation. Incorporate this skill into everyday life for long-lasting health benefits.